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2 min read
When Lack of a Decision Is a Decision
Leadership is a constant series of choices. Some are loud and explicit: hiring a new team member, shifting strategy, launching a new...
1 min read
Social Dilemma: We are Not as Smart as We Think
Unless we educate ourselves about our limitations as human species, we will fall prey to our own progress.
2 min read
Physiology is the Missing Link in Our Battle with Burnout
Conventionally we assume that we have the freedom of choice over our actions, feelings, and our thoughts. But we don’t. There have been...
2 min read
How to Be a Puppy at Work
How can we be puppy-like at work?
2 min read
Do You Treat Yourself Like an Ox or a Puppy?
Our culture has underlying assumptions and belief systems that infiltrate our minds and determine our attitudes.
2 min read
To “Know Thyself” or not to “Know Thyself”
If “Know Thyself” means defining your personality and making judgments about what kind of a person you are, I find it problematic.
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